Thursday, March 24, 2011

Overcoming the fight between your child III


Urge the brother to give in, will only make him feel confident, that you are more fond of his sister. Worse, without realizing it, you train your toddler to be passive and always obey and succumb to her brother. It's certainly not good for your toddler. Because eventually, he could be like that too on any child or any person carrying out the will of him. It hurt, right?

While the brother who defended, will learn that he can seize whatever she wants when she wants it. Remember, the little brother who was a child not yet have an understanding of the distinction between "mine" and "mine" or "hers". He will slowly learn the concept of ownership as long as you let him grab any toys or objects from his brother.

It must be remembered also, the brother, who though it was larger than the brother, but he remains still a child. He did not understand that his brother did not have an understanding of the concept of ownership. Therefore, although the bigger brother, he also needs to be protected from aggression sister arbitrary.

So, not only the brother who should be understanding, but also the little brother. Despite the little brother very young age like 1-2 years. Effective way, according to Rosa, to convey the "I message" or "message me". For example, 'Mama sad because you tore your sister's picture book. "The older brother can be taught to express his feelings to his younger brother. "We must not underestimate the younger children. He was able, really, to take the responsibility that her brother was disappointed, that he who becomes the source, "said Rosa.


Rosa asked parents to be objective in dealing with children who are at war. "Parents do have to bestow blessing and reconcile her two children who are at war. But not by acting as a judge, is looking for who is wrong. Well, a small court at home is how to express opinion without emotion. Ideally we listen to both sides so that we also learn to give justice to the children, "he explained.

Rosa realized, was not easy to arbitrate a fair and wise. This is because the influence of parental subjectivity. "If you already have two children, usually the father had a favorite son and the mother too. For example, his favorite mom at the elder while the father of the youngest. Even so, the best was the father and mother remain balanced in giving justice to the two children, "said the mother of two children.

After both children be reconciled, which needs to be done is to invite their parents to apologize to each other. "Usually this is baseball easy. Since we own is not easy to apologize to others, in children. Moreover, to teach this to the two children who are experiencing anger, "he said.

But, anyway, they still have to be taught. Because of past apology, little else to learn responsibility. "Well, if one of them can learn to apologize first, whether the brother or sister, then we must give him the award. Give him a compliment, "said Rosa.


Another thing parents can do is to prevent the quarrel, if the source is known to cause the same thing continues. For example, always fighting over a toy or something good. "Maybe the parents could buy each a toy or similar goods. If the price is not expensive or parents do have money, why not? "Said Rosa.

But in this case, he added, parents should be able to be flexible. Because with each having one toy / item the same, meaning we do not teach it to share. Conversely, if all toys / items belong together, we are not taught to be responsible. Because if the toy / item that is broken, each one can dodge, "It's not mine, really."

So, Rosa said, "People who got to tualah flexible. Whenever the child had to share and when the child should have privacy. "The best possible by marking toys / items purchased for each child. For example, a red mark shall be affixed to the toy / toddler goods and yellow for toys / belongings brother. All toys / items that are stored in boxes / baskets are also marked in red and yellow.

If there is an argument between the brother and the brother of who will be playing with toys which you can quickly overcome by showing the color that marks their toys. For example by saying, "This is red, so it's older brother." If the brother insisted, so the brother could be given the sense to learn to share to his brother but instead asked him to budge. If the brother refuses, remember you have no right to force him. After all, with the passage of time, both the brother and the brother will understand the meaning of sharing. Just so you do not get bored to continue to teach them.

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