Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Effective Ways to Make Your Parents Proud

Effective Ways to Make Your Parents ProudIf you have been struggling on making your parents proud of you, then this should not be a problem anymore. This article will absolutely help you. Here are some of the effective ways:

1. Be responsible - One of the best things to make your parents absolutely proud of you is to be responsible. Do not act as if you are immature and you do not know what to do. Act as a mature individual that parents do not have to worry about you all the time. Let them feel that you can already stand on your own.

Always be trustworthy and reliable. You can always have fun, but you should know how to balance everything. You should know your limitations and boundaries. You should know when everything has gone beyond the line. Being responsible is to know your limitations and being reliable and dependable.

2. Always aim high - Aiming high in everything that you do will absolutely make your parents proud of you. You should always put 100% in all the things you do. Try your best and always aim harder to succeed. You aim to be at the highest in the things you engage in, such as sports, academics, projects, jobs and the rest.

Show them that you have a positive attitude towards everything. Show them your enthusiasm and your passion to aim the best of everything. You will totally make your parents proud of you.

3. Be good and do the right thing - It is important that you hold the quality of a good person inside and out. Being excellent in all other things can be very useless if you do not have the good character within yourself.

To be good means being kind, caring, generous, selfless and all the good qualities a person must possess. To be good actually makes you and your parents proud. You make them feel that they have brought you well. Always remember to do the right thing. Always think before you act.


Making your parents proud of you is probably the most wonderful feeling. If you are struggling to gain their attention, well you should follow these effective ways and you will definitely make your parents the proudest.

Source : www.articlesbase.com/teenagers-articles/effective-ways-to-make-your-parents-proud-4213974.html

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