Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tips for choosing the right School for your Children II

Who's the Teacher

School quality is almost always synonymous with his teachers are qualified. Therefore, teachers must be a primary consideration in choosing your child's school. It is important to be seen how their character is and whether they are easy to work together to educate your child.

Find references from Graduates

Output or income student's references at a school is the most real evidence of school quality on offer. You can ask a friend or neighbor or relative or someone else you know who his/her son is in the same school you choose.

Do School Facilities Safe and Comfortable

School facilities do not need luxury. Most important is not the first physical harm and the second your child neat and clean. Schools that neat and clean indirectly teach your child to be neat and clean as well. And vice versa, a dirty classes will make our children lose the sense of cleanliness.

Observe the Culture School

Schools that have a good culture will bear good attitudes to the students. School quality should at least have 5 culture: culture of discipline, the culture of reading, net culture, cultural achievements, and culture of a noble character.

Extracurricular Activities

A good school is a school that provides support and adequate time for extracurricular activities. The more variety of extracurricular activities provided the better the school. Your child will have many options to suit their interests. And your child would be more comfortable at the school to participate in school activities that are creative and productive.

Distance Schools and Transport Facilities

You should also consider the distance between your home to the school. Find a school closer to your home. In addition to light on the cost and save time, schools close to home will save your child's energy.
Note also the means of transport that connects the school with your home. If using public transport there, consider the ease of find it. And if your child use a personal vehicle, note the factor of safety while traveling back and forth to school.

Your Fund

Quality schools usually require greater funding. For that you must be observant to calculate the financial ability to pay for it. You do not need to push yourself. Make planning to any kind of educational needs of your child. Hopefully  you can easily find the school with the high quality but with a relatively low cost. Find a reference as much as you can about this one. Do not let your family finances become unhealthy or your child is nervous because on the way you feel you could no longer pay her school needs.

Those are some considerations that you can use before determining the right school for your child. In reality, probably not all of the above list of considerations can be accommodated properly. However, I'm sure you know more about the priorities you set.

Success for you all!

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